Monday, September 25, 2017

Week of Workouts: September 2017

Monday is here and I’m hoping the week ahead will be a good one. After a two-month hiatus (oops, sorry about that), I’m back in action today with my Weekly Workouts series! I didn’t meant to take so much time off between posts but life got in the way. Now that it’s the last week of September, I figured I better sneak in a quick Weekly Workout recap for this month before I missed this one, too!

Weekly Workouts

Last week was a good one in terms of my workouts. I felt consistent and while the variety wasn’t overly amazing – you’ll see a lot of Burn Boot Camp workouts! –  that didn’t bother me too much since BBC does a great job of changing things up and including a great combination of varied strength and cardio workouts.

gym workout

If you’d like to see some of my previous Weekly Workout posts, you may check them out here.

Week of Workouts

Monday: Upper Body Strength Circuit

Upper Body Strength Workout Burn Boot Camp

I LOVE it when Burn Boot Camp programs a strength workout to kick off the week because I am rarely in the mood for an intense cardio session on a Monday morning. This workout reminded me a lot of the workouts I create for myself when I make up my own workouts to do at the gym, so clearly I was a big fan of the fast-paced circuit format.

Tuesday: Core Conditioning Stack

Core Workout

I went into Tuesday’s workout with a chip on my shoulder because I usually HATE stack workouts with a passion. I find them so redundant since you repeat the base of the workout a bazillion times and slowly add something new to the mix. Thankfully Tuesdays workout wasn’t as horrible as I anticipated since our trainer incorporated some running outside (crucial for a change of pace/scenery) and we completed the stack with a partner. To do this workout, partner one completed the top exercise and served as the counter while partner two completed the second exercise until partner one was done with their reps. We then moved onto the second superset but repeated the first superset again before completing the second superset. (See what I mean about redundancy.) For the third round, we started at the top, made our way through the top three supersets and then the final round included all four supersets. In between each round, we ran for 30 seconds-1 minute for a burst of cardio.

Wednesday: Leg Workout

Burn Boot Camp Leg Workout

I woke up for an early morning workout on Wednesday because I had a blogging event to go to while Chase was at preschool and when I walked into the gym, I quickly realized I was the only one there for the 6:30 a.m. class. The ONLY one. I was shocked because I’ve never seen less than eight people at a BBC workout! I debated going home to give the trainer a break and also save myself some of the awkwardness that I knew I’d feel when one trainer was trying to channel all of the energy required to teach a group class into a single person. And then, a minute before the class began, another woman arrived and we joked about being the only two and I not-so-secretly exhaled a big sigh of relief. Thankfully the workout ended up being a great one and I left feeling happy I didn’t bolt out of the gym like I initially wanted to!

Thursday: Biceps, Triceps and Shoulders Superset

Burn Boot Camp Bicep Tricep Shoulder Workout

YESSSSS!!! I LOVED this workout. Last summer BBC went through a Commit To Fit challenge and while I didn’t participate in the meal plan aspect of the program, I loved the way the program focused more heavily on heavy lifting. This workout reminded me of that challenge and my arms were toast by the end. I went through the workout with my friend Trisha who always pushes me to lift heavier and work harder. She’s so athletic and I love pairing up with her because she makes me set bigger goals for myself in the gym. The workout was a dropset format (also my fav!) and while partner one counted reps in the first exercise, partner two performed the second exercise. We then switched and when partner one got back to the first exercise, the reps decreased by 2. We went through as many rounds of each superset as possible in five minutes, decreasing the reps each time.

Friday: Speed, Balance and Agility

Speed and Agility Burn Boot Camp Workout

After a rather strength-heavy first half of the week, it felt great to work up a serious sweat and get in some more intense cardio during Friday’s workout. You know it’s a great workout when you’re dreaming of a shower the minute it’s over! This workout incorporated a lot of running but in very short bursts and since I was feeling rather energetic on Friday morning, it was right up my alley. I also tried hard to break my PR for double unders and ended up tying it at 32. Ah! SOOO close. Those things kill me!

Saturday: Total Body

Total Body Workout

Quite often both Saturday and Sunday will be rest days from the gym around here but when our weekend plans are a little calmer, I love kicking off the weekend with a good workout. Since Friday’s workout was mostly cardio-based, I figured I’d do a little bit of everything at the gym on Saturday and made up a total body workout while I was warming up on the treadmill with a 10 minute incline walk. I LOVED this workout and felt like it did a good job of making me sweat while hitting all of my major muscle groups. A great way to begin a Saturday!

Sunday: Off

Sunday is almost always a rest day over here and we filled our day with church, grocery shopping, a little bit of time on the lake and some much-needed rest and relaxation.

Question of the Day

Have you ever been the only one to show up for a group exercise class? Did you stay?

What was your favorite workout of the week last week?

The post Week of Workouts: September 2017 appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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