Monday, January 29, 2018

Just Another January Weekend

Hey friends! I hope you all had a great weekend and are checking in today after a few days of unplugging and relaxing! Our weekend was relatively quiet but that’s exactly what I wanted.


Ryan and I were both up before 6 a.m. on Saturday. I was incredibly restless all night (and up with Chase once – I think he may be having nightmares?) and after I heard Chase making noise on the monitor around 5:30 a.m., I couldn’t get back to sleep. Though Chase snoozed for a bit longer, Ryan and I were up for the day and kicked things off with early morning bowls of high protein hemp oatmeal with all of the fixings.

I spent some time on my devotional before settling in on the couch to work on a mostly meatless meal plan for the week ahead. Here’s a look at what’s on the menu for the Fagan family this week:

Eventually Chase was up for the day but it was a sloooow wake up. He seemed a little out of it, so we spent a solid 30 minutes reading stories in his room before getting dressed and heading downstairs for breakfast. We initially planned to head out on a morning family hike on some nearby trails but rain thwarted our plans. We came up with a new game plan and decided to sneak in a workout at the gym while we gave the rain a chance to die down.

I took myself through a drop set upper body workout that looked like this:

biceps triceps shoulder dropset

I rounded things out by following a quick 10-minute bikini arm workout from the Tone It Up Girls that I previously found and loved on YouTube. When I follow YouTube videos at the gym, I just do my best to find a secluded corner and prop my phone up to follow along while listening with my headphones. I typically limit the videos I follow at the gym to fairly short stationary strength or barre-based workouts.

20 weeks pregnant

Once Ryan and I were done with our respective workouts, we reconvened and scooped Chase up from childcare before driving back home to leash Sadie up for a walk! We covered around two miles but made a few pit stops to look for fish at the marina and play at a local playground.

Sadie 10 years old


(It wasn’t even 50 degrees and Ryan wore shorts on our walk. You can take the boy out of Florida but you can’t take Florida out of the boy.)

Though Chase took a grand total of one nap last week, he clearly can’t hang on such little sleep because he was completely pooped by the time we got back home. We ate lunch and read a few Pete the Cat stories and I’m pretty sure Chase was completely out within two minutes of curling up in his crib. He ended up sleeping for THREE HOURS!

While Chase slept, we showered, put on our pajamas and then I worked on the couch beside Ryan while we streamed The Great British Baking Show. (Why does that show make me so happy!?) I also ended up falling asleep for a solid 30 minutes but that ended up making me feel even more tired and pretty much sucked any ambitions I had to leave the house that evening right out of me. (Slipping into my pajamas at 2 p.m. probably didn’t help those chances either.)

We ended up rolling with my tired feelings and ordered pizza for dinner before our friend Ben came over with two half-gallons of ice cream in hand!


Sunday morning began the usual way with breakfast and church followed by random household chores. (Is anyone else still vacuuming up pine needles from Christmas!?) I loved Sunday’s service which spoke about the challenges we all face and how at any give time we’re either in the middle of a challenge, coming out of a challenge or about to find ourselves in a new challenge. Before we left, one of the leaders of the children’s programming at our church found us and gave us the sweetest framed family photo from Chase’s dedication last weekend which I thought was such a nice gesture!

the cove dedication mooresville

Once we arrived back home, I had some blog work I wanted to get done but thankfully it centered around making and photographing a recipe, so Chase was able to help me in the kitchen which made him awfully happy.

chase cooking

Eventually Ryan wanted to sneak in a workout – he’s participating in a one-month online rowing competition with new challenges released every week – and while he rowed this week’s half marathon challenge (PHEW!), I read books with Chase and tried to settle him down for nap. After yesterday’s epic nap, Chase wanted nothing to do with a nap on Sunday, so after coercing him into 30 minutes or so of of “quiet time” by himself with some books in his room, he was up and ready for action.

It rained all day on Sunday which meant we were stuck inside for the rest of the afternoon but we made the most of it and read more books before Chase was ready for train playtime. I took advantage of his solo play and compiled a grocery list from my meal plan for the week. Ryan made it home not long after and proceeded to race Chase around the house with their two ride-on car toys with Sadie trailing close behind. I think they completed approximately 10,000 laps and Chase was in heaven!

ryan chase ride on car toys

Around 5 p.m., we decided to brave the rain and made a trip to the grocery store to pick up food for the week ahead before driving back home, unloading groceries and diving into our Whole Foods hot bar boxes for dinner. Ryan and I did the whole bath and bedtime routine with Chase before climbing into bed ourselves around 9 p.m.

The week ahead should be a good one! Chase is back in preschool today (he’s only had school three times this month because of various closures and holidays so I am PSYCHED for some solo work time) and I will be meeting up with some of my best girlfriends for my small group tonight. As for the rest of the week, the biggest thing on my mind is my 20 week prenatal appointment on Wednesday. I was positive I felt our baby move several times this weekend (positive because the movements finally weren’t accompanied by gas – haha!) and it was unbelievably amazing. I hope this one is a mover and a shaker because I cannot get enough of those reassuring flutters.

I hope to see you around here throughout the week and really hope you all have a wonderful week ahead!

The post Just Another January Weekend appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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