Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A Random July Tuesday

Hello, hello! I’m coming at you today with a day-in-the-life style blog post — always and forever my fav! — but first I want to say thank so much for all of the insight and feedback you guys gave me about our big car decision. Clearly you guys are Team Minivan all the way! (FYI, for anyone also in the market for a minivan or a third row SUV, check out the comments on Monday’s blog post. So helpful! The Honda Odyssey sure is getting a lot of love.) Ryan is 100 percent Team Minivan but I’ve been used to driving a smaller SUV for the past 13+ years so thinking about completely switching the kind of vehicle I drive throws me for a bit of a loop and I always pictured myself in a larger SUV versus a mini van… However, way back in high school I learned to drive on my mom’s Toyota Sienna minivan and loved that thing! I actually test drove one before the pandemic and was impressed so it looks like a lot more test driving needs to happen in the future. Nothing like leaving this big decision to the last minute, huh!?

Now onto a recap of our Tuesday! (Also, I have NO idea why this post is so wordy since it was a pretty basic day but apparently I’m feeling chatty this morning. You’ve been warned!)


Tuesday morning began with a garage workout. It is H-O-T in North Carolina these days so if I want a workout to happen in our garage, it must happen first thing in the morning otherwise I’ll basically melt into a pool of my own sweat. One bonus of early morning garage workouts: Ryan and I work out at the same time so it’s nice to have a little company even if our workouts are quite different. I’ve been keeping my workouts primarily strength based and under 35 minutes and yesterday’s workout focused on my shoulders.

(Hiii 33 week baby bump!) 

I paired two YouTube shoulder workout videos together (this one + this one) and then headed inside to make myself a cup of decaf coffee with collagen and frothy coconut milk before sitting down at my computer to crank out a little work before the boys were up for the day. While I worked, I dug into the mason jar chia seed pudding I prepped on Monday which helped take the edge off my hunger and power me through until I was ready to make breakfast 2.0 after the boys were up.

mason jar chia pudding

I also said goodbye to Ryan who went into the office for half of the day for the first time in months (he’s still working from home for the foreseeable future) and greeted my father-in-law. Greg is staying with us right now while he gets his new apartment in the area set up. Yep, you read that right! About a month or so ago, Greg made the decision to move to North Carolina and we’re so happy we will have him close by! He’s lived in Florida since he was a kid so this is a big change for him and we’re hoping he loves it here as much as we do.

Chase and Ryder were up around 7:30 a.m. and we did our usual morning thing which, lately, looks like breakfast, books, free playtime and dinner prep!

egg white oatmeal pancake

(Breakfast 2.0 for me was an egg white oatmeal protein pancake. These days I’m on a lots of smaller/snacky meals vs. 3 big meals a day kick.)

Most mornings, once everyone is dressed and fed, I usually turn the boys loose and they play while I begin dinner prep since they generally entertain themselves well (aka peacefully without brother battles) first thing in the morning. More often than not, they’ll end up pushing their cooking stand up to the kitchen counter and ask to help me which was the case yesterday! (For those who may have little ones interested in getting involved in the kitchen, check out this throwback post with some of the go-to tasks I give the boys when they want to help: Ways To Involve Kids in Cooking)

chase ryder kids knives

Lately Chase and Ryder have been all about cutting softer fruits and veggies with their kid-friendly knives I ordered a while back on Amazon. Getting Ryder to keep his food on a cutting board is no small feat but I’m just glad both boys have a genuine interest in cooking and baking activities!

As we were prepping dinner, AAA showed up in our driveway to replace the battery in my car. When we arrived back from Florida last week, my car wouldn’t start and even after we tried jumping it ourselves, we didn’t have any luck. It needed a new battery and we figured the whole thing wouldn’t take too long but it ended up being a bit of an ordeal because they didn’t have the tools they needed or something like that so we spent all morning at home. Thankfully the boys were easily entertained when I filled their kiddie pool and brought out their nets to chase after bugs and butterflies in the yard.

ryder 2 years old


Eventually lunchtime rolled around, so we had a picnic outside (pb & js with sliced cucumbers, apples and hard-boiled eggs for all of us) and then I got Ryder down for a nap on the early side of the afternoon. While Ryder napped, I worked on the computer while my father-in-law headed over to his apartment to unload some boxes and Chase played with Playdoh, listened to a podcast and hung out in my office next to me.

(Note to self: Typing and popsicle eating do not exactly go hand-in-hand.)

Eventually Ryder was up again and after a quick snack, we loaded into my car and headed off to a friend’s neighborhood pool. They currently have a signup system in place with a limited number of visitors and no shared pool chairs and we were really excited to have access to a pool for the first time all summer in Charlotte! (We got majorly spoiled by the pool at my parents’ place in Florida earlier this month.)

chase ryder pool

The boys were clearly in heaven and had fun doing cannonballs and splashing around. Chase is all about diving deep for rings and loved being reunited with his BFF Claire. As always, Ryder tried his best to pretend he was one of the big kids.


After a few hours of kid playtime and much-needed grown up catch up time for this mama, we headed home and were greeted by Ryan and Greg. We were all more than ready for dinner, so I quickly heated up the dinner the boys and I prepped earlier in the day and we went to town!

Dinner last night looked like Brittany’s Greek Chicken with Rice and while I admittedly changed a number of things about the recipe, I stayed close enough to the original to say I’d absolutely recommend it! We all went back for seconds, so I take that as a good sign.

After dinner, I finally showered (oh happy day!) and then we did the usual bed time routine with the boys before settling them in for the night and heading to bed ourselves.

As for our plans for the day, our Wednesday should be similar to most weekdays around here lately and I’m sure we’ll fill our days with outside time (we have plans with a friend to meet up for an outside picnic) and I’ll squeeze in some work where I can before the cycle repeats tomorrow. I hope you all have a wonderful day and, as always, thanks for making PBF a part of it!

The post A Random July Tuesday appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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