Monday, April 27, 2020

Week of Workouts: April 2020 (20 Weeks Pregnant)

Hello, hello! How was your weekend? It was another mostly-outside weekend for our family peppered with Zoom calls with friends, pizza takeout, a walk on a local greenway (we found a turtle and it made the boys’ day), and our first big family bike ride! Now that Chase has a big kid bike, we wanted the ability to ride bikes as a family and so I found a bike seat for Ryder online and his whole body lit up with happiness when Ryan started riding around with him. I see a lot more bike rides in our future!

As for this week, I have a feeling things will kick off on a good note today because it’s actually my birthday! I’ll be celebrating 35 with my boys and Sadie social distancing style and rounding out the day with a little something sweet (TBD on what this will be since it’s currently under wraps). I’m also hoping to squeeze in a quick workout before the boys are up for the day so let’s get right into the meat of today’s post, shall we?

I am continuing my monthly Weekly Workouts series on the blog today with a peek into last week’s workouts. Below you will find a roundup of my workouts from last week!

Week of Workouts

Like last month, they all obviously took place at home and I really hope they help give those of you looking for some at-home workouts a little inspiration during this crazy time. I hope you all have a good week and stay healthy and safe. Thanks for stopping by PBF today!

Week of Workouts

Monday: Burn Boot Camp Total Body Strength Workout

On Monday, I followed the Burn Boot Camp workout video of the day that was sent out to all members of our local gym. It was my longest workout of the entire week and a total body workout that incorporated a lot of compound exercises to work multiple muscle groups at once. If you’re looking for a typical total body Burn Boot Camp workout to try, the dropset workout I shared in this post is quite similar.

Tuesday: Cardio Workout

Cardio Workout At Home

I copied a cardio workout I completed in our garage at the beginning of the month for Tuesday’s workout and it was, once again, rather sweaty! This workout has quickly become one of my go-to workouts over the past couple of weeks on days when I want a little burst of cardio but want to keep the duration of my workout nice and short.

Wednesday: Rest

Wednesdays have become an unintentional rest day for me lately and I’m not sure if that’s because I feel like I need break halfway through the week or what but I’m embracing it and listening to my body. I still went on two walks outside with the boys and Sadie so I felt sufficiently active without doing anything too strenuous.

Thursday: Leg Strength Workout

A split squat with a hip hinge may be my new favorite pregnancy-friendly leg exercise. It’s more comfortable for me than traditional lunges right now and burns from my hamstrings all the way through my glutes. Beginning my workout with this exercise kicked things off on a great note! (Here’s a demo video if you’re not familiar with this exercise. I do not put my back foot up on a bench though.) I rounded things out with one round of my mini band booty workout which burns in the best way!

Friday: Upper Body Workout (40 Seconds On / 20 Seconds Off)

Upper Body Workout 40 seconds on 20 seconds off

An upper body workout on a Friday!? It doesn’t get any better than that for this girl! I formatted this workout after some of my favorite Burn Boot Camp upper body workouts and it was a great one. I loved the fast pace and the built-in breaks were just long enough to give me recovery but left my muscles fatigued by the end of four sets. I am absolutely saving this one to do again in the future.

Saturday: Pelvic Floor Work + 10 Minute Pilates Booty Workout

During Ryder’s nap time on Saturday, Chase and Ryan took Sadie on a walk and I stayed back in search of a prenatal yoga video. I ended up stumbling upon this video that offered a physical therapist’s detailed description of how to properly engage the pelvic floor and it was, hands down, the most helpful video I’ve seen related to engaging the pelvic floor I’ve come across. While this was definitely not a traditional workout, I wanted to include it in this recap since it was so helpful for me during this time in my life and I thought it might be beneficial for any other expectant moms or those in the postpartum period.

I also ended up doing a quick 10 minute Pilates booty workout video from the same YouTube channel and will absolutely reference Jessica Valant’s channel in the future because both videos I stumbled across this weekend were great! That booty workout burned in the best way and I love the way the whole workout took place on the floor since I wasn’t looking for a glute workout that included a billion squats or lunges.

Sunday: Rest

Sunday was another rest day! We still did a lot of walking and biking as a family but I took the day off from a traditional workout. After Saturday and Sunday’s lighter days, I’m ready for a sweaty workout today. I love the way rest days not only serve an important purpose when it comes to recovery but they also help me head into my next workout feeling rested and motivated to work up a sweat again!

Questions of the Day

What do your workouts look like during social distancing?

Are you struggling for workout motivation right now or doing okay? 

I am admittedly missing my tradional workouts a lot but trying my best to just go with the flow during all of this madness. The gym and our favorite workout classes will be there when all of this is over and giving myself premission to keep workouts short and sweet and focus on whatever feels fun to me that day has been key!

The post Week of Workouts: April 2020 (20 Weeks Pregnant) appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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