Friday, April 10, 2020

Things I’m Loving Friday #321

Friday is here! For those of us celebrating Easter on Sunday, I know many of our plans likely look very different than we anticipated right now but I’d love to hear about any at-home celebrations you’re looking forward to this weekend. Will you be baking a special loaf of banana bread? FaceTiming with family? Streaming church online? Doing an egg hunt for the kiddos?

Our Easter plans will obviously be low key and right now the two main things we have on the agenda include an egg hunt for the boys and baking a bunny cake together. (The big decision will be which bunny cake to make — this one or this one. <– Oh hi blog posts from 10 YEARS ago!)

I am planning to reap our weekend on the blog on Monday but until then, I wanted to stick with Friday tradition around here and share a roundup of thing I’m loving this week. Please feel free to participate in the comments section of this post!

Things I’m Loving Friday

  • Unpopular Opinion Lists

Have you guys seen these lists floating around the internet lately? They are basically lists of things you don’t like or enjoy that the general public seems to love. I find them so amusing! Ryan and I laughed a lot when we chatted about our respective lists last weekend and I ended up reaching out to my parents and my college friends about their lists as well. The group texts that ensued had me laughing out loud! The above list is my Unpopular Opinion list and I’d love to hear about some of the things that would make it onto your list!

The Antidote for Everything

Last year I read Kimmery Martin’s debut novel, The Queen of Hearts and it quickly became one of my favorite reads of 2019. I was incredibly excited to dive into her latest novel, The Antidote for Everything, and it proved to be another winner. (I would still absolutely recommend The Queen of Hearts over it though, so if you’re going to read one, start with that novel!) The author is a former emergency room doctor and weaves her medical knowledge into her novels which I find fascinating. (Think Grey’s Anatomy-style drama but with more wit, intelligence and interesting twists.) The Antidote for Everything follows Georgia, a urologist who works at the same clinic as her best friend, Jonah, a fellow doctor recently fired for treating transgender patients. As Jonah and Georgia come together to try to make the situation right and salvage Jonah’s job, secrets are revealed, terrible decisions are made and lives are changed forever.

  • Quick and Sweaty Cardio Workout

Cardio Workout At Home

I actually did a cardio workout at home this week. What!?! It was very fast-paced which is key for cardio for me when I’m doing it in our garage and shockingly passed by pretty darn fast. Bonus: I was super sweaty by the end of this beast!

  • Actually Managing to Accomplish Some At-Home Organization Projects

When we first began practicing social distancing and spending all of our time at home, I had visions of all of the organization projects I’d finally have time to accomplish. Apparently I forgot to consider the fact that I’m a mom to two young boys and I use basically every second of weekday free time to keep my head above water on the blog work front or squeeze in a quick 30-minute workout. Well, this week I somehow got a burst of energy at the end of the day (I always joke that once the boys go to bed, my body collapses and my brain collapses right along with it) and I managed to tackle a few organization projects on my to-do list. It felt AMAZING. I went through Ryder’s baby clothes, sorted through my winter clothes and shoes to find things to donate and cleaned out my office closet. Hopefully I can keep riding this organizational wave because every time I open my office closet it feels like a breath of fresh air not to have total chaos staring back at me.

  • This Meme

The memes floating around the internet right now are providing me with some much-needed laughter during such a weird and crazy time. The above meme had me laughing out loud because, as a Lion King fan, I could totally hear the animal’s voices in place of the words and it just killed me! “I WILL BE SCHOOL!” So, so good!

  • Friday Flashbacks

Cheesepuff Casserole (Our family’s favorite breakfast casserole to serve on holidays!)

Best Every Morning Glory Muffins (This recipe from a local bakery is a little more time-intensive but perfect for a special occasion like Easter.)

Question of the Day

What are some things that would make it onto your “unpopular opinion” list?

Are you doing anything fun to celebrate Easter in a different way this year? 

What is one thing making you smile this week? 

The post Things I’m Loving Friday #321 appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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