Monday, March 16, 2020

Weekend Eats

Hey friends! How are you doing? How was your weekend? We have been doing our best to adhere to social distancing measures recommended by the CDC to hopefully help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We kept our family very close to home this weekend and filled our days with games, playtime, running around outside and a little home organization. We found out on Saturday that school is canceled for the next two weeks (and then the decision will be reevaluated) and though Ryan’s work seems to be proceeding as usual (a decision has not been made for him to work from home), I’ll be keeping the boys home with me while I do my best to stick with a normal blogging routine. All of this feels very real and heavy and important. I hope you guys are doing okay. I know it’s a lot to handle and is something that is impacting many, many people and businesses in a significant way.

I wanted to check in this morning to bring some normalcy back into my life. While I often share a recap of our weekend on Mondays, today that would look like a lot of at-home shenanigans and walks around the neighborhood, so I opted to shift the focus away from our weekend and onto our eats!

I typically don’t snap pictures of our food on the weekend for no reason other than the fact that I fell out of the habit years ago and feel like my weekend recaps are long enough without a food focus. However, today I’m sharing a glimpse into breakfast, lunch and dinner from Saturday and Sunday.  Since our weekend eats tend to look a little different than our week day eats (we rarely eat out Monday through Friday), I thought it might be a little interesting to see how our meals differ a bit on the weekends from time to time (snacks not included). So let’s dive right in, shall we?



Saturday morning began with French toast! Pancakes are a breakfast staple for our family on the weekends but lately we’ve been veering from our usual routine and changing things up a bit with French toast. I almost forgot how delicious French toast is, but I’m so glad it’s back in my life! We paired our French toast with some unpictured sliced strawberries as well.


Lunch on Saturday was an easy throw-together meal. We had some leftover chicken sausage and roasted Brussels sprouts on hand and I quickly whipped up a batch of air fryer breakfast potatoes to bring our lunch together and give it a little more substance. It should also be noted that as the potatoes were cooking in the air fryer, I ate my body weight in kettle corn because we had a bag out on the counter from earlier in the day and I cannot be stopped around that stuff.

Dinner + Dessert

Dinner was a simple one but so good! Our boys love pizza with our weekend movie nights so we paired a frozen pizza with green beans and blackberries for the boys. Ryan and I had our pizza with some sliced brie cheese and crackers as well as a pesto white bean and shredded carrot salad. I made the salad by following a recipe in the How Not to Die Cookbook and loved the pesto sauce so much. It was also really easy to whip up! I simply combined the following ingredients in a food processor to make it: 3 garlic cloves, 3 cups fresh basil, 1/3 cup raw almonds, 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast, salt and about 1/3 cup of chicken broth. I think this would also be a great sauce to use in my lunchtime grain bowls during the week!

Oh and we cannot forget about dessert! Movie night in our house always includes dessert and 95 percent of the time this looks like ice cream. I topped my ice cream with crushed macadamia nuts for a little crunch. Yum!



On Sunday morning breakfast was a two-parter. I was up before everyone and needed something to eat before our family’s breakfast so I made myself an egg white and oatmeal protein pancake topped with hemp seeds to tide me over. (Clearly the pancake did not flip well in my skillet. Ha!)

Part two looked like green smoothies for the whole family!


We spent Sunday morning with the boys at a local deserted baseball field, running around, throwing balls and playing games. On our way home, we swung through the Jimmy John’s drive through and picked up sandwiches, pickles and cookies for lunch. Our boys are 100 percent pickle-obsessed and both can easily eat an entire Jimmy John’s pickle without batting an eye. Ryan and I have learned to order at least three pickles cut into quarters for our gang if we want some for ourselves!


Our kids lucked out with pizza two nights in a row this weekend, mainly because I was craving mozzarella sticks and Ryan wanted lasagna. We ordered everything from Brooklyn South, one of our favorite local restaurants, and Ryan picked it all up to bring back home while I handled the boys’ bath time. We also had some green beans and strawberries with our take out feast so some unpictured color and nutrition managed to make it into our meal.

Question of the Day

How often do you typically eat out every week? 

Are you more likely to go out to eat or get take out on the weekend or weekdays? 

The post Weekend Eats appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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