Wednesday, March 18, 2020

St. Patrick’s Day 2020

I think most of us can agree St. Patrick’s Day 2020 felt a little less festive than usual. How are you guys doing with everything? I hate that this virus is so deeply effecting so many and severely impacting health, livelihoods, businesses and more. Is there anything specific you have been doing to help those struggling most right now? I’ve reached out to older neighbors and donated to food banks but if there’s something specific you’re doing that you think others might benefit from learning about and wish to contribute to, please leave more information in the comments section of this post so we can all look into it. I’ve heard of people purchasing gift cards from local businesses to help support them during this time and ordering food from local restaurants offering to-go options, both of which we plan do do as well. I’m hoping that little things, if done by many, will make some kind of a positive impact.

St. Patrick’s Day 2020

I am such a sucker for holidays — any holiday — and looked to St. Patrick’s Day as an outlet to bring a little joy and normalcy back into our home and focus on enjoying our boys’ excitement for the day.

Chase made a leprechaun trap at school last week and was so excited to use it. You guys, his teacher hand-delivered the traps to all the kids’ houses on Monday since they wouldn’t be able to use them at school this week and I was, once again, absolutely blown away by the dedication of teachers out there to their students. Bless those of you who pour into our little ones! I cannot tell you how much your work means. I also think a million parents out there would like to sing your praises this week after attempting to home school their kids. No small feat!

Oh and in case you’re wondering if I’ve adopted one of those Pinteresty color-coded schedules floating around the internet for our social distancing days, the answer would be a hard no. I love a schedule as much as the next person but with a 20-month old in the mix, it’s a bit of a challenge to find educational activities that work for both 4.5 year old and a toddler. Thankfully Chase’s teacher has been texting his preschool class with some daily optional activities so we’re spending some of Ryder’s nap time focusing on school work but it’s all fairly laid back.

Anyway, back to our morning! Things kicked off for me around 5:30 a.m. when I joined Ryan in the garage for a leg day workout. (Well, Ryan did his own workout. It was leg day for me!)

It was a simple workout that incorporated a series of supersets and triplesets and took me around 30 minutes to complete. I took a hot shower after my workout, said goodbye to Ryan as he headed off to work and then got to work playing leprechaun.

Last week, I scooped up a $1 St. Patrick’s Day banner, some festive goodies and a new Cat in the Hat Learning Library shark book for the boys at Target and assembled everything in a little basket that the boys found by following a series of gold coins leading from their bedrooms to the kitchen counter. It was simple but they got a big kick out of everything!

We also had green pancakes that I whipped up the in blender with some whole wheat flour, eggs, spinach, cinnamon, banana and baking powder.

After breakfast we headed outside on a morning walk with Sadie. I was determined to get some fresh air with our gang since rain was on the forecast for the rest of the day.

(Shout out to my Aunt Laurie for making the boys’ fleece blankets. They LOVE them so much and they’re s chilly walk staple for us!)

We walked around our neighborhood and then stopped at a little trail where the boys played with their cars and trucks in the rocks and dirt for, no joke, 45 minutes. Give these kids fresh air and some mud and they’ll be happy for all the days!

Once we made it home we refilled the bird feeder we recently ordered for our front yard because the birds have been draining it in less than 48 hours.

We bought the same one we love in our backyard because the squirrels cannot get to it and Chase is still all about looking out our windows for his favorite birds. (He uses our bird identification pamphlet to identify new birds he doesn’t recognize and gets so into it!)  I swear his enthusiasm rubbed off on our whole family and now we’ll excitedly yell out any time we see a bluebird, cardinal or another one of his favorites.

Eventually it began drizzling so we headed inside and I whipped up peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, carrots and strawberries for all of us for lunch while Chase and Ryder played with kinetic sand. You guys, on Monday I had this big plan for the boys to play paleontologist with the two pounds of sand I ordered off Amazon after I hid some of their dinosaur toys in it. Well, apparently two pounds of kinetic sand doesn’t go very far and I had to laugh when I saw my paleontology activity turn into a bit of a dud.

Thankfully any  amount of kinetic sand is still a blast for kids, so they were still all about it!  (Also, for any of you out there thinking sand in the house is the worst idea on the planet, kinetic sand is very different and can be pulled and shaped and is almost stretchy. What I’m basically saying is it’s not the nightmare you might think!)

After lunch, it was time for Ryder’s nap. While he slept, I set Chase up with a new audiobook in his room for his quiet time. He happily listened to part of a book from the My Weird School series for a solid 45 minutes which was a win for both of us.

We then spent the rest of Ryder’s nap completing Chase’s school assignment for the day from his teacher which included talking about words in the “at” family and drawing them inside of an “at” house (cat, rat, etc.), writing the numbers 1-10 and watching their teacher read a story about Vicky Violet (aka the letter “V”) from their Letterland lesson.

Eventually Ryder was up and ready to join the action. The rest of our afternoon looked like reading books in Ryder’s room before indoor bounce house fun and a bath.

Ryan arrived home as we were wrapping up bath time and then we sat down to our  St. Patrick’s Day feast!

I loooove corned beef and cabbage (with carrots, purple potatoes and onions) so much so naturally I jumped at the chance to make this dinner for our family yesterday. Ryder and Chase only liked the carrots but Ryan and I were all about it!

Eventually everyone was pooped and ready for bed so we headed upstairs and did the whole bedtime routine before Ryan and I chatted for a bit and read until we could no longer keep our eyes open.

Plans for today look a lot like Monday and Tuesday. We’ll be spending a lot of time at home, hopefully making our way outside for a few hours and keeping our distance from everyone. Ryan will be home with us for the first time this week after his work made the decision to have everyone work from home beginning today. I know we’re both very, very lucky to have the ability to do our jobs from home and I feel so much for those of you out there who have to work outside of the home right now (especially those in health care — THANK YOU!) and those who want to work but cannot because of closures, lay offs, etc. Again, please leave comments below if there are organizations you’re supporting or would love others to know about so we can help in whatever way we can during this crazy time.

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog and making PBF a part of your day today. Sending you all so much love!

The post St. Patrick’s Day 2020 appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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