Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Week of Workouts: June 2018 (38 Weeks Pregnant)

It’s safe to say this will be the last Weekly Workouts post I share for a few months! With our baby due any day, I’ll be on a workout hiatus for quite a while but plan to share postpartum workouts with you guys once I am cleared to exercise again… but I’m not rushing anything. I’ll definitely be easing back into fitness and have ZERO expectations for consistent workouts over here even once I am given the okay to exercise, so I wanted to recap what is likely my final week of semi-consistent workouts for a while.

In the meantime, you can always check out my Workouts page for a ton of workouts! I have everything categorized to hopefully make it easy to find the workout that’s right for you when you need it. I hope you find it helpful!

Weekly Workout Schedule

And now for a rundown of last week’s workouts…

Last week marked the 38th week of my pregnancy and I managed to get three workouts in as well as a few walks with Sadie. I actually felt better than I have in weeks last week and was really excited for limited nausea and a surprising burst of energy! I took advantage of the extra energy but still didn’t push myself too much. Strength training felt great but I limited cardio to walking with Sadie and it felt good to simply move and enjoy some fresh air with my favorite furry walking buddy.

Weekly Workouts: June 2018

Monday: Leg Day Workout

leg day workout burn boot camp

The leg workout on the agenda for Burn Boot Camp on Monday called for a strength/plyometric hybrid and I knew going into the workout that I’d be modifying quite a bit. I eliminated all jumping exercises from my workout and completed the above modified version. It was a great lower body burner!

Tuesday: 2 Mile Walk with Sadie

I felt great on Tuesday morning from a nausea standpoint but not overly energetic to the point that doing anything other than walking Sadie sounded appealing to me. I decided to take that as a sign and leashed Sadie up for a two mile walk around our neighborhood while Chase was at camp. It was such a gorgeous morning on Tuesday and I loved some one-on-one time with my girl and used our walk to catch up on the latest Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me podcast.

Wednesday: Upper Body Workout

upper body workout

Wednesday’s upper body workout was a good one! It was a triple set format that included three circuits that I completed in a decreasing repetition format. I wasn’t feeling any cardio at all on Wednesday but if you’re looking for a quick HIIT workout to pair with this upper body workout, I highly recommend this 25 minute treadmill HIIT workout. I’m oddly already getting excited for HIIT workouts to make their way back into my workout regimen… in a few months.

Thursday: 2 Mile Walk with Sadie

Another walk with Sadie served as my workout on Thursday! We covered just over two miles and I listened to the Babes and Babies podcast. It’s a podcast started by two former Bachelor contestants and the first time I listened to it, I had pretty low expectations but I ended up really loving it. Carly and Jade seem so normal and touch on a variety of motherhood and parenting topics ranging from postpartum struggles in the fourth trimester to breastfeeding and more. I think first-time moms in particular would love this one!

Friday: Total Body Strength Workout

Total Body Strength Workout

I made it to Burn Boot Camp for a total body strength workout on Friday and though I kept my weights relatively light and eliminated some plank exercises our trainer incorporated into the workout, I felt like it was a good one! (The above workout is the one I completed.) I was feeling unexpectedly energetic and it felt great to get in the gym and move my body.

Saturday: 2 Mile Walk with Ryan and Sadie

sadie walk

With my parents in town visiting from Florida, Ryan and I were able to sneak away first thing in the morning for some couple time and took Sadie on a walk before everyone else was awake. We covered two miles with our girl before 7 a.m. and I loved beginning the day on an active note even if I did have to slow our pace way down on the smallest of hill inclines.

Sunday: Rest

Sunday was a rest day! We spent the day on the lake with my family which meant it included some swimming, floating and plenty of relaxation on the water!

Question of the Day

What was your favorite workout of the week last week?

The post Week of Workouts: June 2018 (38 Weeks Pregnant) appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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