Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Weekly Workouts: May 2018 (33 Weeks Pregnant)

Hello, hello!! I hope you guys are having a good week so far! I’m checking in today with a recap of last week’s workouts as part of the Weekly Workouts series I share once a month on the blog to give you guys a peek into what my workouts are looking like around here these days.

pregnancy workouts 33 weeks

Last week marked my 33rd week of pregnancy and I’m continuing to work out on days when I feel energetic and take rest days or limit my exercise to walking on days when my body is telling me to dial things back.

33 weeks pregnant

Below you will notice I made it to the gym or boot camp four days last week which seems to be my normal right now. The other three days of the week were rest days where I counted leisurely 2-3 mile walks with Chase, Sadie and Ryan as my main form of exercise. Thank goodness for gorgeous spring weather right now!

Weekly Workouts: May 2018

Monday: Posterior Strength Workout

Posterior Strength Workout

I love kicking off the week with some strength training so the Burn Boot Camp workout of the day was right up my alley! This workout focused on posterior strength training (the muscles on the backside of the body) and while I modified it to remove some of the plyometric movements, I left the gym feeling energized! (The above workout is my modified version.)

I’m not sure what it is right now, but anytime a workout incorporates the mini bands, I find myself feeling the burn so much more! Those things are legit and light my muscles on fiiiire! If you haven’t tried it yet, please keep my mini band booty workout on your radar! It’s surprisingly challenging and a great one to do at home if you have access to a mini band. I love tacking it onto the end of a cardio interval session or a leg workout for a final burn!

Tuesday: Biceps / Triceps / Shoulders Workout

Biceps Triceps Shoulders Workout

I headed off to the gym on Tuesday to complete a biceps, triceps and shoulder workout that I absolutely loved! I broke the workout up into two different circuits so it went by quickly and I never got bored. I also began my workout with a quick 10 minute walking warm up on the treadmill.

Wednesday: Total Body Modified Workout

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I didn’t look at Burn Boot Camp’s workout protocol before showing up at the gym on Wednesday otherwise I would’ve planned my Tuesday workout a little better! The workout ended up being a full body strength workout but I was able to modify it so that my biceps, triceps and shoulders got a bit of a breather after Tuesday’s upper body burner. Truthfully, my workout ended up looking very different from the BBC workout of the day on Wednesday, but since I’m modifying workouts all the time, I guess that should be expected by now!

Thursday: 2 Mile Walk

julie sadie may 2018

I woke up feeling exhausted and nauseated on Thursday which meant any plans to make it to the gym or boot camp quickly faded away. I’m rolling with the punches and doing my best to listen to my body right now and ended up counting a late morning walk to the park with Chase and Sadie as my workout for the day. It felt good to get some fresh air and feel the sunshine on my shoulders!

Friday: Anterior Strength Workout

Anterior Strength Workout


Friday was a good day at boot camp! I didn’t have to modify the workout too much which felt like a treat and loved the anterior strength workout out trainer put us through in the morning. I did end up changing the finisher (the finisher noted above is my modified version) because the original finisher involved a lot of planks and getting up and down off the ground which isn’t my favorite thing in the world right now. Ooph!

Saturday: 3 Mile Family Walk

Ryan, Chase, Sadie and I ventured out on Saturday morning for a walk around our neighborhood and stopped by a local park. We covered just over three miles and it was the kind of exercise that didn’t feel like exercise because we were simply enjoying family fun! Love it!

Sunday: 2 Mile Walk with Sadie


Sundays are almost always complete rest days over here but I was up early on Sunday morning and feeling zippy, so I leashed Sadie up for a quick two-mile walk around our neighborhood before church. I listened to a podcast and loved easing into the day with a little movement with my favorite walking buddy!

Question of the Day

What kind of workouts are you enjoying most right now?

The post Weekly Workouts: May 2018 (33 Weeks Pregnant) appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness http://www.rssmix.com/

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