Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Splashing, Swimming and Sunshine

Hello party people! We’re halfway through the week and time is flying. This week is a fairly full one and I have a feeling the next few days will pass in a bit of a blur as well. Before we blink and Friday arrives, I wanted to share another quick day-in-the-life recap with you guys and dive into our Tuesday.


Let’s get to it!


My morning began at 5 a.m. when I made a batch of superseed oatmeal. My random concoction was inspired by a hybrid of recipes from the How Not to Die Cookbook that I created in an effort to incorporate a bunch of Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen foods (aka the foods he says we should strive to eat daily for optimal health) into one bowl. I’ve been making this particular combination regularly and loving it. It’s packed with flaxseeds, chia seeds, oats, cacao nibs, berries and cinnamon and tastes great!

How Not To Die Oatmeal

I know this picture makes the oatmeal look like cat puke, but if you guys want me to share the full breakdown of the recipe, let me know and I’ll do my best to make it look appealing for ya and eliminate words like “cat puke” when describing it in the future.

As I ate my oats, I dove into my daily devotional and then parked my butt at the computer to work until Chase was up for the day a little before 7 a.m.

Once Chase was awake, we eased into the morning by curling up in his room with a few library books before digging into whole wheat pumpkin muffins and a banana. With breakfast in his belly, Chase was ready to rock and kicked off morning playtime with some pants-free toy car driving!

PlasmaCar Chase

We played at home for a bit until it was time to head off to boot camp. I knew going into the workout that I would likely be modifying many exercises but I still wanted to go and move my body because I always feel better when I do!

The Burn Boot Camp workout of the day included two 14-minute stacks that looked like this:

Athletic Conditioning Stack Workout Burn Boot Camp

To complete a stack, you begin by completing the first exercise and then complete the first exercise and the second exercise before beginning at the top and completing exercises 1, 2 and 3… and so on until you complete all of the exercises in the stack in a row.

I ended up completing two 14-minute stacks that looked like this:


  • 20 Bodyweight Squat with Alternating Leg Lift
  • 20 Heismans
  • 20 Medicine Ball Squat to Overhead Press


  • 20 Medicine Ball Slams
  • 20 BOSU Burpees (no jump + walking my feet in and out)
  • 20 High Knees

You may notice my stacks did not include a fourth exercise and that’s because I ran out of time in the allotted 14 minutes. Also, I walked instead of running in between the exercises where it says to sprint or run a lap.

Once my workout was done, I scooped Chase up from childcare and we headed off to Birkdale Village to pick up gift cards for Chase’s preschool teachers. Today is his last day of school for the year and I’m feeling waaay more emotional about it than I thought I would! Chase absolutely loves his school and even though he’s only been going to school two mornings a week this year, I’m sad he’ll no longer regularly see his two beloved teachers and hate for him to miss something he looks forward to so much every week. We are doing a couple random camps at his school sprinkled throughout the summer that I know some of his friends will be in but we will thoroughly miss Miss Debbie and Miss Carrie!

While we were at Birkdale Village, we noticed that the splash pad is officially back in action for the summer and there was a zero percent chance we were going to be able to resist that exciting and oh-so-wet temptation!

Birkdale Village Splash Pad

Chase and I popped into Starbucks for a quick snack and a green juice (Chase shockingly drank a couple sips of mine!) and then Chase splashed around in the water for a bit before we had to head off to swim lessons.

Evolution Fresh Green Juice

We had so much fun swimming which I fully attribute to Chase’s great mood. He was just so darn playful and excited to splash around and I, yet again, found myself thinking about how much of our one-on-one time will be coming to a close so soon. Gah! The hormones!!! On one hand I am so ridiculously ready to have our baby – really and truly – and on the other hand, I find myself noticing little moments with Chase that I cherish that I know will inevitably change in the blink of an eye. It’s all a VERY good thing but I’m riding an emotional rollercoaster on the regular right now.


After swimming, we headed home and Chase played with his toys while I did a little food prep. Chase eventually asked to join in the cooking fun so we roasted some broccoli and sliced a few veggies to have on hand for the week ahead.

Toddler Cooking Help

And then, after all that veggie prep, my child ate blueberry waffles for lunch. (He did have some tiny bites of broccoli and a bunch of fresh blueberries, too, so it wasn’t a total fail… right?)

While Chase ate his lunch, I used the roasted broccoli we made together in a stir fry for myself that included onions, mushrooms, edamame and shrimp prepared in a sauce I modeled after this garlic ginger stir fry sauce from Pinch of Yum.

Easy Stir Fry

After lunch, Chase went down for his nap and I grabbed a quick shower before making myself lunch 2.0 which looked like a big chocolate smoothie made with banana, frozen cauliflower, light coconut milk (from a can), chocolate protein powder, cocoa powder and almond butter.

chocolate smoothie with cauliflower

A winning combination!

I drank my smoothie while working on the computer until Chase was up from his nap and ready for attention. We had one main project on the agenda for the afternoon and that included making a sweet treat to bring to Chase’s end-of-year preschool party tomorrow. Chase and I made a batch of brownies together but after I let them cool and tried to slice them into smaller toddler-friendly squares, they looked horrible. They still tasted great – Ryan, Chase and I definitely ate our fair share last night – but they didn’t hold up very well once they were sliced so I guess I’ll be running out to the grocery store to quickly buy some cookies or brownies or something from the bakery before the party today.

While the not-so-perfect brownies baked, we hung out in the backyard, played fetch with Sadie and splashed at the water table until Ryan arrived home from work and our appetites told us it was dinner time.


Dinner last night was a no-brainer thanks to our latest Blue Apron delivery. (Full disclosure: Blue Apron is a long-time blog partner of mine but we ordered and paid for this delivery on our own.) On the menu was another vegetarian success: Gnocchi with zucchini, roasted red peppers and a creamy yellow tomato sauce.

Blue Apron Gnocchi

Gnocchi needs to happen more often in our house because I was ALL about that dinner. YUM.

After dinner, we did the whole night time wind-down routine and then I face planted in bed with my book. I am about halfway through The Tuscan Child by Rhys Bowen which I’m reading because I absolutely loved In Farleigh Field by the same author. It really began to pick up about a third of the way through the story and is a decent, easy read if you’re looking for something interesting but not overly intense. It doesn’t keep me up all hours of the night reading because it’s crazy suspenseful but I definitely look forward to curling up with this one at the end of a long day.

Now Wednesday morning is here and it will be a bit of a whirlwind! On the agenda for today: A dentist appointment (yep, I chipped my other front tooth… again), a preschool party at Chase’s school and trying to find time to squeeze in some work so I don’t miss a deadline I have looming over my head. Have a great day, my friends!

The post Splashing, Swimming and Sunshine appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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