Tuesday, May 29, 2018

PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 35-36

Two more weeks of pregnancy have come and gone! I cannot believe I’m 37 weeks pregnant now and will be welcoming our little baby into the world so soon! It feels surreal, exciting, nerve-wracking, overwhelming and wonderful all at once. This pregnancy has passed by so quickly and it feels like crunch time over here right now. I almost feel like I’m scrambling to do everything I didn’t let myself do earlier in this pregnancy and it’s crazy for me to think how much our lives are about so change again so soon.

Here are my past updates from this pregnancy if you’re just catching up:

You may also check out all of my weekly pregnancy updates from my first pregnancy on the Pregnancy page of this blog.

And now for my most recent updates…  

Baby Updates

  35 weeks pregnant

(35 Week Baby Bump!)

At 36 weeks baby is as big as a papaya, measuring about 18.7 inches weighing approximately around 5.8 pounds!

As for our baby updates, at my 35 week prenatal appointment, I ended up going in for an unexpected ultrasound because, after measuring ahead my entire pregnancy, all of the sudden I was measuring several weeks behind and I lost weight. I’m not sure what was up but can only assume my lack of weight gain can be attributed to ongoing nausea. (This is the week I also ended up at the doctor’s office for intense dizziness coupled with nausea and vomiting that they think may have been caused by minor dehydration.) During the ultrasound, everything looked okay with our baby, though our little one was measuring slightly small which, again, was a change. The doctor did not seem concerned, so I placed my trust and confidence in my doctors and the wonderful baby rolls and kicks I’m feeling every day.

At my 36 week appointment, I was up two pounds and my belly was measuring only a week behind, so I exhaled and felt a little better about the previous weeks’ appointment.  

Weight Gained

After losing weight in my 35th week of pregnancy, I gained some of it back and I am currently up about 28 pounds.


family walk

I took a big step back from workouts during the 35th week of this pregnancy. After feeling absolutely awful and struggling with dizziness and nausea at the beginning of the week, I dialed things way back and limited my physical activity to easy walking and a single boot camp workout that I significantly modified at the very end of the week.

At 36 weeks pregnant, my workouts have been slow and steady. Whenever I attend a boot camp workout these days, I see everyone huffing and puffing around me and I have to laugh because I’m truly just there to simply move my body and sometimes feel like I’m just standing around and randomly doing squats or bicep curls or something. Haha! I’ve been taking it really easy but I know that’s where I am in life right now and I’m 100 percent okay with it. Cardio beyond walking doesn’t really exist over here and even when I’m strength training, I’m pausing a lot between reps, modifying many exercises and just doing whatever feels best to me and my body.


bob stroller walk pregnant 36 weeks


(36 weeks + 6 days on Sunday!)

Right now the biggest thing I’m feeling is large and uncomfortable but I know that’s to be expected toward the end of pregnancy. I have a lot of pressure down there at the moment and anytime I go from sitting or lying down to standing, it’s awkward, slightly painful (both in my pelvic area and lower back) and takes a lot of effort. I’ve been joking that getting in and out of bed to pee in the night is more challenging than my workouts these days! And speaking of pee, that’s pretty much happening non-stop. I constantly feel like I NEED to go and will rush off to the bathroom only to release a tiny dribble. (Aaand repeat a million times a day… and night.)

Nausea was high during my 35th week of pregnancy but eased up a bit during my 36th week. It will still surface frequently and kick my butt but it’s something I’ve come to expect and when it doesn’t happen, I feel extra grateful and try to take full advantage of the days I feel really good right now.

I’m also easily winded and moving a lot slower these days! Sometimes it feels like I cannot get a full, deep breath for the life of me because everything from my stomach to my lungs just feels so scrunched.

On the bright side, my skin has been incredibly clear almost this entire pregnancy which has been amazing! I struggled with a ton of zits during my pregnancy with Chase – mainly on my face but also on my upper back – and have felt really blessed with very clear skin this time around. I hope it lasts after the baby is born but I know hormones can change everything in an instant. For now I’ll just continue to enjoy clear skin and makeup-free livin’!

Oh and I’ve also felt more irritable, impatient and cranky lately. My moods are all over the place, I’m tellin’ ya!

Food Aversions

I don’t have many aversions at the moment but cooked veggies and most animal proteins don’t appeal to me very much. By dinnertime most evenings, I feel full and uncomfortable and often just want something like yogurt or, on evenings when I’m hungrier, something comforting like mac and cheese or pasta for dinner almost always sounds good.  

Food Cravings

Homemade Limeade

Good Culture Cottage Cheese

Fruit is a very consistent craving – especially watermelon, oranges, bananas and berries – and I’m also loving yogurt and cottage cheese. Bubbly water is my BFF and I want ice cream and chocolate pretty much every single day. I also often feel like I NEED bread right now and will find myself snacking on random slices of Dave’s Killer Bread in the kitchen. I think it’s my body’s way of preventing nausea and I’m all about staying ahead of nausea these days.  


Sleep is hit or miss but the hours of insomnia I was experiencing as little as two weeks ago seem to be limited to a night or two a week which feels a lot more manageable than a few back-to-back nights in a row. There is something about the 3 a.m. hour that kills me though! If I wake up around 3 a.m., I struggle a lot with going back to sleep and will often end up throwing in the towel after becoming incredibly frustrated and reading in bed. Sometimes I’ll luck into falling back asleep but most of the time, I end up reading for an hour or two and then just getting up for the day.

Any Baby/Pregnancy Related Purchases?

I finally bought some things for our little one! Phew!

Nursery Baby Number 2

My focus was primarily on our baby’s nursery and I ended up ordering the following pieces of furniture for our baby’s room:

  • 4-in-1 Convertible Crib (Yep, we bought a second crib! Thanks to your amazing insight we decided to leave Chase in his crib rather than try to do the big boy bed transition before baby so a new crib was necessary.)
  • Swivel Glider and Ottoman
  • Nightstand 
  • Himalayan Salt Lamp (I still use this with Chase for prayers before bed and LOVED it for a calming nursing light in the middle of the night. Necessary for baby #2!)
  • Craft Cart (to be used either for diapering supplies or books/toys)

The above photo is just a peek into a preview of our little one’s nursery as we still have a handful of things we want to do. And the view from the opposite side of the nursery looks like a disaster zone at the moment. Haha!

As far as other purchases, this is kind of a random one, but I also paid for my placenta encapsulation service. I am planning to do placenta encapsulation again following the birth of our baby since I had such a wonderful experience with it after Chase was born. If you’d like to read more about my experience, potential benefits of placenta encapsulation and why I loved it so much you may check out this post: Placenta Encapsulation: Why I Did It, How I Did It and Would I Do It Again

More items I purchased last week: Postpartum care essentials, including Tucks Witch Hazel Pads, a perineal irrigation bottle, Dermoplast Pain Relieving Spray and extra heavy pads. I ended up ordering another one of my favorite nursing bras as well.  

Annnd I treated myself to my third pair of lululemon align leggings. I can’t stop with them! They make me feel like I’m wearing absolutely nothing and I am all about comfort right now. Plus, everyone assures me they are the best leggings postpartum (and beyond!), too, so I have a feeling I’ll be loving them for a long time.

Belly Button In or Out?

My  belly button is definitely out right now but not overly noticeable through clothing.


This is kind of an odd one but I’m beginning to feel a bit of stress and pressure to DO ALL THE THINGS before our baby gets here! The countdown I have in my head leads all the way up to our June 18 due date but then I think about how Chase unexpectedly arrived two weeks early and that means our little one could be here in a WEEK which makes the time crunch seem more pressing!

I think a lot of these feelings have to do with the fact that I’ve admittedly had my guard up for most of this pregnancy and struggled to allow myself to feel all of the excitement and anticipation that I felt with my first pregnancy with Chase so I haven’t done much at all to prepare for this baby. Truthfully, I am still struggling with a bit of anxiety but it now mostly centers around childbirth and and possible complications but I’m trying HARD to remain positive, pray and rest in the belief that everything will be okay. With our due date rapidly approaching, I feel like I’m finally believing our baby will be here – and SOON – and my list of things to do before our baby arrives is growing rapidly!

I know I’ll still be able to accomplish things with two kids, but I also know I’ll likely be overwhelmed, so I made myself get a jump start on our baby’s nursery, which up until Friday, was a mini storage area. Simply assembling furniture and organizing the nursery a bit made me feel more prepared even though our baby won’t be in the nursery for months. It just felt good to begin to check something baby-related off my to-do list since I feel like I’ve done a whole lot of nothing beyond random cleaning projects/household organization.

A few more last-minute items on my check list: Pack my hospital bag, hang pictures in the nursery, finish organizing Chase’s big boy bedroom, draft a few blog posts to have ready to share after baby comes, deep clean our house (ugh), get someone to come out and spray for bugs, book a prenatal massage (Ryan gave me a gift card for one for my birthday and I CANNOT wait to use it), buy birthday and Father’s Day gifts for my dad and a Father’s Day gift for Ryan (our due date is the day after Father’s Day), take Chase on a few more fun solo adventures and get Chase a much-needed haircut. 

At my 36 week prenatal appointment, my doctor also started mentioning when to call the hospital once I experience contractions which simply felt surreal. Am I already here!? It also made me realize how little I remember about the whole labor/delivery/postpartum period. I remember feelings and emotions and sweeping generalizations but for some reason everything seems a bit fuzzy to me. Ryan said this isn’t necessarily a bad thing since he has much more distinct memories of how much pain I was in when labor began and my contractions were intense and so close together! To be honest, I kind of like forgetting some of that stuff! I just remember so well the feeling of hearing the doctor say, “He has blonde hair!” and then meeting Chase and it being the most overwhelmingly incredible moment. That’s where I’m centering my focus right now and it makes me all weepy every single time.

Although my moods have felt a bit all over the place right now and fluctuate from feeling irritable and cranky to over-the-top excited and happy, the main thing I am feeling – despite feeing a bit overwhelmed and unprepared – is ready. Ready to meet our baby. Ready to give our little one so much love. Ready to smell his or her sweet baby smell. Ready for newborn cuddles. Ready to see Ryan as a father to two children. Ready to watch Chase interact with his new brother or sister. Ready to laugh as Sadie ignores the fact that we brought another baby home into her kingdom. Ready for another precious member of our family.We simply cannot wait to meet you, little one!!! 

The post PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 35-36 appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness http://www.rssmix.com/

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