Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Mother’s Day Weekend 2018

Hi friends. How are you guys doing today? I definitely did not mean to go dark on the blog yesterday but my Monday had a bit of an unexpected start. I woke up feeling okay, but the minute I stood up and stepped out of bed, I felt like the whole room was spinning. I couldn’t walk a step without holding onto the wall or a dresser. It freaked me out and the intense dizziness lasted for a few hours and only dissipated when I closed my eyes and laid down. It was also coupled with nausea and vomiting.

I am so grateful Ryan was able to take the day off work to help with Chase and take me in to see my doctor. Thankfully the dizziness got better throughout the day and everything seems to be okay with our baby and my health. (My blood pressure was a bit lower than normal and my doctor thinks I was slightly dehydrated.) I was sent home with instructions to rest as much as possible, drink lots of fluids and eat some salty foods and come back in if the dizziness worsened.

I am relieved to be feeling much better today and hope that is a good sign for the rest of the week. Ooph!

I worked on what I hoped would be Monday’s blog post a bit over the weekend, so now I want to dive back into it and share a recap of our weekend with you guys this morning!


Our weekend kicked off on a great note with a date night out!

clt date night

For my birthday two weeks ago, Ryan surprised me with dinner reservations at Heirloom, a local farm-to-fork restaurant we’ve been dying to try, and tickets to see an improv comedy show. We booked a babysitter (the one I creepily approached at the park last Friday) and headed off to dinner soon after Ryan arrived home from work.

Heirloom was fantastic and we decided to splurge and each do the tasting menu as both a birthday and before-baby treat. Everything was so fresh and flavorful but the duck and s’mores-themed dessert stole the show for me! Oh… and the complimentary hot-from-the-oven roll that came with our soup was unreal. Is that weird to say? I don’t know but so often the pre-dinner bread restaurants serve is stale but man oh man this roll was warm, buttery and melt-in-your-mouth GOOD. (And yes, my affinity for refined carbohydrates is goin’ strong over here right now!)

After dinner, we headed off to the main event of the night: Whose LIVE Is It Anyway?

whose live is it anyway

Ryan booked tickets to this live-show take on the improv comedy television show Whose Line Is It Anyway? and we were both looking forward to a night of laughter. The show absolutely delivered (I even got called on out of the audience and immediately started sweating!) and we loved every second.

We arrived home late but sacrificing a little sleep in favor of such a fun night out was more than worth it.


Chase had all of us up bright and early on Saturday and we spend the morning hanging out around the house. Since Chase and I did a massive grocery shopping trip at ALDI on Friday morning, we had a bunch of food on hand and prepped some brown rice and slow cooker salsa chicken before heading off to a Mommy and Me Boot Camp class at Burn Boot Camp.

mommy and me boot camp

Since we loved this Mother’s Day weekend event at BBC so much last year, I really wanted to make sure we attended again this year and to say Chase was in heaven would be a huge understatement. He gave the workout 100 percent effort 100 percent of the time and was running and jumping all over the place.

julie chase boot camp

We spent some time chatting with friends after the camp and ate a snack on a bench outside before heading home. Unfortunately getting Chase into the car was a bit of a beast – we’re talking a major car seat battle – and I could tell he was completely exhausted from no nap on Friday, an early wakeup on Saturday and a very active morning. We went from super happy and joyful to cranky and weepy in 2.5 seconds, so Ryan and I scrapped our morning plans and laid low at home before we put Chase down for an early nap.

He fell asleep within 5 minutes and while Ryan went to work on our boat, I tackled thank you notes! I managed to finish the notes for my family from the baby sprinkle my aunt hosted and it felt good to check something off my to-do list.

Ryan arrived home an hour or so later and while Chase snoozed away, we dug into salads for lunch.


They came together quickly thanks to morning food prep!

Once Chase was up, we headed out on the boat and spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening swimming and playing at a local sandbar. It was so fun and got me way too excited for summer even though I know I’ll be on a bit of a swimming hiatus after our baby arrives.

lake norman dog

And yes, you better believe we brought Chase’s potty on the boat with us.

potty training dad

We weren’t taking any chances! Also, huge thanks to those who messaged me about this portable potty option on Instagram stories after I shared that pic! I immediately ordered it and think it will be a great travel potty option for us as we’re still mastering potty training around here.


Sunday was Mother’s Day and the definition of a family day through and through! Since temperatures were supposed to eclipse 90 degrees for the second day in a row, we took advantage of the semi-cool morning weather and took Sadie on a family walk after breakfast.

family walk

We managed to cover around 3 miles which felt like a victory since Chase rarely tolerates more than 30 minutes in a stroller these days. Thankfully pointing out every bird we saw on our walk coupled with a variety of snacks, books and a few truck toys kept him stroller-bound and happy!

When we arrived home, we ate another snack and headed back out on the boat!

35 weeks pregnant

Spending time on the water with my family was high on my list of Mother’s Day activities, so it was a great way to spend our Sunday.

lake norman sand bar

As we were splashing around, Ryan and I heard the familiar tinkly music of an ice cream truck and were shocked to see an ice cream boat floating along in the water. What a genius idea, right!?

ice cream boat

We arrived back home ready for lunch and dug into sandwiches before Ryan settled Chase down for a nap and sent me off to get my nails done!

Apparently making an appointment to get your nails done on Mother’s Day is a good idea because I ended up visiting three different salons before I found one with an opening. I don’t get my nails done often and have never had any issues with drop-in appointments but I quickly learned Sunday is “nail day” for many women and that, coupled with Mother’s Day, meant nail salon overload!

I almost threw in the towel after my second visit but really wanted the SNS nails I had done for my birthday taken off professionally since I peeled two off myself and could tell it was a horrible idea for my nail health to manually remove them. Once my manicure was done, I headed back home and spent the rest of the evening relaxing with Ryan, Chase and Sadie… and plenty of ice cream!

I hope you all had a great weekend and that you’re enjoying the week so far. Thanks so much for stopping by PBF today!

The post Mother’s Day Weekend 2018 appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness http://www.rssmix.com/

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