Thursday, May 31, 2018

A Trip to the Vet, A Leg Workout and Faux Cheese Fun

Hey friends! How are you doing today? I feel like we haven’t had much of a chance to chat in “real time” thanks to my latest pregnancy post and the giant potty training Q&A post taking up some blog space earlier this week so I wanted to pop in this morning and catch up via another day-in-the-life recap. Always and forever my fav!


Chase woke up screaming “MAMA!” a little after 1 a.m. on Wednesday and clearly had a nightmare that was only exacerbated by a “scary shadow” he saw on his ceiling. I dashed into his room and thankfully he easily settled back down when I covered him up with his blankies (all three of them) and gave him his stuffed cat and puppy to snuggle with for comfort. Poor little guy! The whole ordeal didn’t even last three minutes but it was enough to jolt me awake and I spent the next hour reading An American Marriage (SO GOOD!) until I drifted back to sleep until 5 a.m.

Once I was up for the morning, I made myself a much-needed cup of coffee by blending hot coffee with collagen and coconut milk in the blender until it was nice and frothy.

Collagen Coffee

I’ve been avoiding caffeine during pregnancy and have probably had less than 10 cups of caffeinated coffee in the past 37+ weeks and oh my gosh I forgot how AMAZING caffeine can be when you need a boost. I am sooo pumped for coffee to make its way back into my morning routine soon! When Ryan asked me how I was feeling before he left for work yesterday morning, I excitedly said, “FANTASTIC!” and we both started laughing. Caffeine, you are a wonderful beast.

With coffee aiding my brain, I felt incredibly productive as I worked at the computer and ate two almond butter and berry Paleo breakfast bars that Chase and I made together earlier in the week.

paleo breakfast bars

The bars weren’t a hit with Chase like I originally hoped but Ryan and I love them!

I worked until Chase had other plans for me and we eased into the day with story time in his room followed by breakfast and playtime downstairs. When I told Chase that we had a vet appointment on the agenda for the morning to look at Sadie’s paw, he immediately wanted to practice taking care of his toy dog’s “hurt paw” so we spent some time doctoring up Doggie’s paw with a bandage before heading off to book camp. (We’ve been reading Busy People: Vet on repeat after we checked the book out from the library a few weeks ago, so Chase is very into pretending to be a veterinarian at the moment.)

Toddler Vet

Once we arrived at boot camp and Chase was settled in childcare, I partnered up with my friend Trisha for a leg day workout!

Burn Boot Camp Cornelius

I modified the workout as usual and my pregnancy-friendly version looked like this:

Partner Leg Day Workout

After boot camp, Chase and I immediately drove home where I ate a protein bar and scooped Sadie up for her vet appointment.

KIND Protein Bar Peanut Butter

(FYI, this was my first time trying KIND’s real food protein bar and I loved it!)

I felt so bad for Sadie because she split another one of her nails on her front right paw. This is the second time she split a nail in just over a month and it struck me as odd since it never happened in her life before April so I knew we needed to take her in to get it treated and see if anything was going on that could prevent this from happening in the future.

Chase and Doggie and Sadie

(Doggie ended up joining us on our veterinary adventure as well.)

Chase, Sadie and I ended up spending a solid two hours at the vet which, when I type it out, sounds kind of miserable with a toddler but our vet has a waiting room stocked with kid-friendly books all about animals. Plus, since Chase brought Doggie into the vet, we played a loooot of imaginary games so timing oddly passed by relatively quickly and before we knew it, we had a bootied-up Sadie in our arms again. The vet thinks Sadie’s nail issues may be linked to a condition called Lupoid Onychodystrophy and we were given medication for Sadie to hopefully help heal our little girl. I just hate to see her in pain!

vizsla vet

Since Sadie received anesthesia during her visit, she was quite drowsy when we arrived home, so I carried her inside and Chase and I did our best to make her comfy on the couch.


With Sadie sleeping soundly, Chase was content to play by himself for a bit until he became a little too intrigued by the noises I was making in the kitchen and joined me for a little dinner prep!

Veggie Faux Cheese Sauce

On Tuesday night, I roasted a butternut squash and a spaghetti squash to help make the recipe I was planning for last night’s dinner easily come together which definitely saved me some time. I recently saved a recipe for a Broccoli “Cheese” Spaghetti Squash Bake I initially saw on the @Whole30Recipes Instagram feed and couldn’t wait to give it a try!

Whole30 Cheese Sauce

Broccoli Cheese Spaghetti Squash Casserole

Chase loved making the faux-cheese sauce with the butternut squash, nutritional yeast, coconut milk and spices and once everything was prepped, I covered the dish and placed it in the fridge so I could easily bring it out to bake for dinner later in the evening.

Eventually Chase surprised me by going down for a super late afternoon nap (I definitely thought we were on the No Nap Train yesterday) and while he slept, I made myself a turkey and cheese sandwich to eat while I worked on the computer. (Yes, I microwaved the turkey before adding it to the sandwich. #PregnancySafe)

turkey sandwich

I paired it with a cup of yogurt topped with strawberries, pumpkin seeds and cacao nibs.

Siggi's Yogurt with Toppings

I worked on two future blog posts right up until Chase began making noises in his room. Once I switched back into mom mode, the two of us spent the remainder of the afternoon around the house, which suited me just fine since I’ve found myself feeling more and more spent by the late afternoon these days. We played with Chase’s blocks and built important things like rocket ships, airplanes and a fire station that I was actually a little too proud of since my block-building skills often leave much to be desired.

Amid playtime, I also managed to box up a batch of clothes and shoes Chase recently outgrew to bring up to the attic.

Toddler Clothes Storage


By the time Ryan made it home from work, we were ready for dinner and dug into the spaghetti squash casserole Chase and I prepped earlier in the day.

spaghetti squash broccoli cheese casserole

Broccoli never smells particularly good as it cooks in the oven and I know my nose is extra sensitive during pregnancy right now but this casserole made our whole house smell like feet. Phew! I had a hard time with the smell and unfortunately the casserole just ended up turning my stomach which was such a bummer since the recipe wasn’t exactly a simple one. I ate a small bowl just for the sake of consuming vegetables and then threw in the towel and made myself a bowl of cereal and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner.

After dinner, we made our way upstairs to unwind a bit before settling Chase down for the night and heading off to bed. I ended up finishing my book and slept relatively well considering the fact that I woke up multiple times in the night due to both my incessant need to pee every 2.5 seconds and some light cramping coupled with a rock-hard stomach. I told Ryan this morning that while I never thought it was “baby time” last night, I am beginning to feel like things are slooowly beginning to progress in that direction, even though I do not think I’ll be heading to the hospital any time soon.

I actually began reading a bit more about birth last night so I could also just be feeling preoccupied with the whole thing. This limbo period is pretty darn exciting, especially since I feel like I never really go to the point that I thought labor might be on the horizon with Chase since he surprised us by coming early and I fully anticipated going into labor close to or after my due date.

I’m not sure what my plans for today hold but I’m hoping to do something fun with Chase! Possible thoughts include a park play date with friends, a visit to a local farm or pottery painting if the weather is as dreary as it looks right now. We’ll see! Hope you all have a fantastic Thursday!

The post A Trip to the Vet, A Leg Workout and Faux Cheese Fun appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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