Monday, September 18, 2017

Weekend Highlights + Kevin and Chandra’s Visit

I’m sitting down at the computer this morning feeling groggy and not very chipper, but I’m crossing my fingers and hoping the hot mug of coffee I’m sipping will do its job and I’ll feel a little more human by the time I’m done typing up this blog post. We just said our (very early) goodbyes to our friends Kevin, Chandra and their baby boy this morning before they hit the road and headed back home to Arkansas.

There’s something about spending uninterrupted time with good friends who live out of the state that makes me both happy and sad since our time together reminds me just how much we love them but also brings just how much we miss them to the forefront of my mind. Kevin and Chandra were some of the first people Ryan and I truly clicked with when we moved to the Charlotte area and they quickly became some of our closest friends. They’re so kind, thoughtful, funny and just plain FUN to be around and we were so excited when they planned a visit.

We filled our weekend with good times, good food and good friends!

I don’t have too many pictures from the weekend (this seems to happen whenever we host people in our home – too much on my mind, I guess!) but I wanted to share the small number of pictures I did take in a “One Sentence Per Picture” recap style I’ve seen all over blogs for a while now… but then I realized I’m much too wordy, so I figured a “Short Paragraph Per Picture” recap might work better for me. (And after typing that last paragraph I’m left thinking “Ummm when is that coffee going to start kicking in!?” Yikes.)

Let’s get to it!

  • Chase’s First Day of Soccer

soccer kids

A couple of weeks ago, I signed Chase up for soccer with some of his friends which I realize is probably going to look like several consecutive weeks of (adorable!) toddler mayhem on a soccer field.  Unfortunately a scheduling mistake meant his coach didn’t show up (and they apologized profusely) but I am really looking forward to watching a bunch of two-year-olds attempt to kick soccer balls around and do anything remotely athletic and organized together. I think it may be even more fun for the parents to observe than the kids to play! One thing is for sure: Seeing a bunch of tiny two-year-olds in oversized soccer jerseys was just about the cutest thing in the world.

  • Big Kid Chase

chase jackson

Chase was officially the big kid all weekend and it was so neat for us to see him loving the big boy role! He was very into knowing where Baby Jackson was at all times, loved showing him his toys, making silly faces at him and checking on him on the baby monitor when he was napping. Chase really loves babies right now and always points to them when we’re out and about and talks about his friends’ baby brothers a lot. Ryan and I hope and pray that if/when we have another baby, his love for babies will still be strong because it’s so sweet to see a calmer, more cautiously curious side of him emerge whenever babies are around. 

  • Upper Body Workout

Triple Set Upper Body Workout

Since our guests didn’t arrive at our place until Saturday afternoon, Ryan and I had enough time to fit in a quick workout in the morning. We took Chase to our gym’s childcare and then worked up a sweat which felt great! I did an upper body workout that really kept things moving. The workout was a triple set format that focused on bodyweight upper body exercises, a burst of cardio and a dumbbell strength exercise (in that order). It’s a workout I figured was worth saving and sharing so I typed it up in the Notes section of my phone to share on Instagram Stories as well. Loved this one!

  • Beautiful Trio

kevin chandra jackson

I couldn’t resist snapping this beautiful picture of Kevin, Chandra and Jackson when we were at the park together yesterday morning. Chandra and I commiserated over the fact that family pictures of us with our husbands and boys are hard to come by (but we have billions of pictures of our kids and our husbands) so I had to take a few of their family while I had my camera out and I just love this one. Jackson was a total pro and looked right at the camera – not an easy feat for a seven month old!

  • Improving Gums

Clean Juice Double One

I am so, so happy to report that Chase’s gums seem to be doing much better. When we tried to brush his teeth on Saturday (which our dentist told us to hold off on through Friday), his gums started to bleed so he’s not completely healed, but he’s eating many of his favorite foods without wincing and crying. We still loaded him up on soft foods and smoothies over the weekend but I think he’ll be back to eating some of his hard food favorites (we share a huge love for pistachios) today. Hooray!

Questions of the Day

What was the most fun thing you did this weekend? What was the most delicious thing you ate?

Most fun: Laughing and catching up with Kevin and Chandra

Most delicious thing I ate: PaleOMG’s Breakfast Casserole and Mint Moose Tracks Ice Cream

The post Weekend Highlights + Kevin and Chandra’s Visit appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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