Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Labor Day Weekend 2017

Do you ever feel like you need a weekend after the weekend? A few extra days to get your life in order before reality sets in again? That’s the way I felt yesterday but for a very good reason. We had a full house and full days over Labor Day weekend this year and it was so wonderful to spend time with family and friends. I loved every second but our busy days didn’t leave me with any time to blog. I’m finally sitting down at the computer with my first chance to catch up with you guys since the weekend passed by in a blur of family time, cookouts, birthday parties and more!

Sometimes the sign of a good weekend is a very limited amount of pictures and considering the amount of activity we squeezed into the past few days, I don’t have a ton of pictures to show for it, so I figured I’d scrap my usual lengthy recap in favor of a Labor Day Weekend Top Eight post and share the highlights with you guys instead. Also, a three-day recap would probably be 5,000 words with the way I write, so this is probably for the best. (I also apologize in advance for so many grainy on-the-fly iPhone pics but I think you guys are probably used to that by now around here!)

Labor Day Weekend Top Eight

  • Sister Time 

One of the things I miss most now that we live in North Carolina is the amount of times I get to spend with my sister every year. When we lived in Florida, Ryan and I were only two hours away from Leslie, Ross and my parents which made weekend trips quite easy but now visits take a lot more planning so we don’t get to see each other nearly as often. It stinks but we do still manage to see each other several times a year and the time we do have together is just that much more special and wonderful. Leslie is truly the kindest, most thoughtful person I know and spending time with her is the best. We chat non-stop and the added component of seeing Leslie and her husband with Chase fills my heart with so much love. Chase loves his Uncle Ross and Aunt “Wessie” (Leslie is a tough name for a toddler) and I only wish we all had more time together!

  • Chase’s Love for Kona

The love Chase has for Kona, Leslie and Ross’ chocolate lab, is borderline obsessive and way too cute. He prays for Kona every night (in fact when I ask him who he wants to pray for, the order usually begins with “Dad, Sadie, Kona…” followed by the rest of our family) and seeing Kona again this weekend made him so happy! Whenever he’d wake up for the day or from a nap, he’d immediately ask for Kona and request “kisses” from her and got all weepy anytime we’d leave the house over the weekend and he’d have to say goodbye to her. Chase is definitely a big-time dog lover, that’s for sure!

  • Labor Day Cookout and Sunset Boat Ride 

My friend Carrie’s parents hosted a Labor Day cookout at their house on Lake Norman on Sunday night and were kind enough to invite our whole gang. It was great to have our friends meet each other and we all had so much fun digging into ribs and wings and splashing in the lake together. Chase had a ball with his toddler BFFs and since we boated over to their house, we were able to enjoy a sunset cruise on our boat ride home which felt like a special treat. Ryan and I agreed we really need to get the boat out in the early evening more often because there’s something so peaceful about being on the water when the sun is setting.

  • Game Nights

This weekend we hosted two game nights at our house with our guests and some of our Charlotte-area friends and I laughed harder than I have in a long time as we sipped wine and played a bazillion rounds of Catch Phrase and Heads Up. There’s something about both of those games that make them the perfect party games for a big group and while we were tempted to change up the games for round two the following night, we kept things simple and stuck with the classics! I may be showing my age with this statement but I’d rather hang out at home and play random games with friends over going out to a club or bar any day so I was in heaven with two game nights this weekend. Woop!

  • Pizza Party

On Saturday night, we had a babysitter come by to watch Chase while we headed off to Alino’s with our guests and some friends for a night of pizza and wine before we made it back home for game night at our place. The weather on Saturday evening was beyond gorgeous (low 70s), so we grabbed a long picnic table outside, ordered a bunch of pizzas and took our time eating, drinking and chatting away. It felt like such a laid back, leisurely summer night and the ability to unwind and chill out with some of our favorite people felt so simple but so special at the same time.

  • Ella’s Birthday Party 

On Monday evening, we headed off to MyGym to celebrate Ella’s second birthday! I’ve only been to MyGym with Chase once or twice in the past but that was months ago and now that he’s much more mobile and physical, he was ALL IN at MyGym and had the best time rolling around in the ball pit, jumping on the mini trampolines, hanging from the bars and sprinting around and around. And none of the kids complained when it was time for cake!! Ella looked like she had such a wonderful time at her party and we loved celebrating such a special little girl!

  • Zeppoles 

Years and years ago, our friend Pete introduced us to zeppoles, little balls of mozzarella cheese wrapped in pizza dough, fried in a deep fryer and then tossed in powdered sugar. I’m not lying when I say zeppoles are one of my top five favorite foods (and also the reason Ryan gave me a deep fryer for my birthday last year) and since Pete was in town and is the master zeppole-maker, we quickly accepted his offer to make zeppoles for dessert on Sunday night. I don’t even know how many I ate but holy cow they were just as good as I remembered.

  • Lake Norman State Park Hiking

We had the chance to take our gang up to Lake Norman State Park over the weekend for a five-mile hike on our favorite trail! Everyone was in the mood for a little activity and a hike along the lake sounded appealing to everyone on Sunday morning so we hit the trails! The hike went by in a flash and Ryan and I loved showing our friends and family one of our absolute favorite places in the area. Thankfully Chase did well on the hike and still seems to enjoy his view from the hiking backpack! I sure hope that lasts!

Question of the Day

Now that it’s Wednesday, this question may be a little past its prime but… What is one fun thing you did over the weekend? 


The post Labor Day Weekend 2017 appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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