Friday, January 3, 2020

The Create Fearlessly Challenge

By Leo Babauta

A couple days ago, I invited you to join me in the Get Fit & Active Challenge in Sea Change … today, I’m going to invite you to something very different from that.

It’s called the Create Fearlessly Challenge, and it’s a part of my Fearless Training Program.

It’s for anyone who wants to:

  • Create, write, make art, build a blog, post content online
  • Design, plan, or launch a project (my personal challenge is to design a new small-group program called Fearless Mastery)
  • Sew, craft, do woodworking, or make anything else with your hands
  • Code, build a website or app, launch a minimal viable product
  • Create or launch a business

The idea is to set a 3-month goal for something you’d like to create … but then break it down into a smaller 1-month creation goal. Something you can build and/or launch in a month. Something you can do 4-5 times a week, ideally.

Something that will take some fearlessness, in the face of the ever-present doubts, uncertainty, fear and avoidance.

It takes courage to take even a small step in the direction of creating something. We’re overwhelmed, busy, distracted, afraid. We don’t think we can do it, so we don’t even start. There’s too much uncertainty, so we put off having to deal with that.

This challenge is about using the power of doing something scary with other human beings who are doing the scary thing as well. It’s about harnessing the energy of this time of year to take on the uncertainty. It’s about bringing mindfulness practice to bear on the old urges to put things off, the old rationalizations and patterns.

Are you ready to take on the scary thing you’ve been putting off?

Train with me and dozens of others in the Fearless Training Program, and join us in the Create Fearlessly Challenge.

Try Fearless Training today to be a part of the Create Fearlessly Challenge.

Via Health & Wellness

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