Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A Tripod Workout on a Tuesday

Good morning to you! I hope you’re having a good Wednesday so far, even if you’re reading this blog post first thing in the morning snuggled under your covers in bed. Our week so far has been a good one and I wanted to share a recap of our Tuesday with you today to catch up.


I woke up at 5 a.m. to a screaming Chase instead of my usual alarm. I’m not sure what’s going on with Chase lately, but he’s been waking up super early a few times a week, crying or screaming. I can usually go into his room, read him a book and settle him back down in his crib for another hour or two, but I have no idea what’s up with this strange new development. Anyone else been through something similar?

Once Chase was calm and cuddled up with his blankie and stuffed cat, I headed downstairs to make myself an egg white oatmeal pancake with pumpkin seeds to enjoy along with a few chocolate superfood energy bites, a mug of hot tea and my devotionals.

egg white oatmeal protein pancake

I spent the rest of the early morning hours working on my computer and said goodbye to Ryan as he headed off to work right before Chase was up for the day. Chase and I dug into the last of the pumpkin loaf we made on Sunday and after Chase was done eating, his busied himself with mirror painting (I give him a cup of water and some Q-tips and he “paints” pictures in our bathroom mirror) while I got ready for the day. (Mom hack: Mirror painting is the BEST when you have a clingy kiddo on your hands but need to get ready since it lets them sit right up next to you while you brush your teeth, throw your hair up, etc.)

We made it out the door with enough time make it to a morning boot camp class before we had plans to meet up with some friends for a discussion group centered around parenting and motherhood. The Burn Boot Camp workout of the day was a speed and agility tripod that looked like this:

Burn Boot Camp Tripod

Post workout, I let the cleansing cloths I keep in my car work their magic and quickly freshened up before I spent the next 90 minutes or so listening and participating in the discussion about motherhood at our church. (Childcare was provided so Chase ran around and had a blast in the auditorium with some of his buddies.)

IMG_0800 (1)

One of my biggest takeaways from our discussion was to think about the type of child you want to raise (kind, generous, respectful, etc.) but then create goals for yourself for the type of parent you want to be to help model these behaviors in front of your child. So much of a child’s learning is tied up in observation and I already see Chase watching me and Ryan and mimicking our behaviors, attitudes, language and mannerisms. I find myself thinking a lot more about the way I conduct myself and respond and interact with others now that I know I have a tiny audience with me wherever I go and yesterday’s discussion reiterated in my mind the importance of reminding myself of my parenting goals and the kind of man I want to raise when I parent Chase on a day-to-day basis.


We made it home just before noon with plenty of time for some play and food prep before Chase went down for his nap. Chase and Sadie served as my taste testers and helpers as I prepped dinner for the night.

Toddler Kitchen Stand

Once Chase was bored of cooking, he played with his toys for a bit which gave me a chance to unload the dishwasher, throw in a load of laundry and straighten up the kitchen. He settled in for his nap around 2 p.m. and I showered and used leftover Thai peanut chicken thighs in yet another chopped salad for lunch. I made the salad big enough to last for lunch for two days. (I leave off the dressing and avocado until right before I’m going to eat my salad if I prep salad in advance to keep it crunchy.)

thai chopped salad

Immediately following my salad, I unwrapped a Tootsie Roll Pop (okay, two of them) because I am addicted these days.


Once Chase was up, we stayed close to home, ate a snack, did some random household chores and played together before bath time. Ryan didn’t make it home from work until close to 8 p.m. but still got to see Chase for a few minutes before bed.

Dinner last night included shogayaki chicken over brown rice which I ate at 5 p.m. and Ryan reheated when he got home because my stomach cannot handle 8 p.m. dinner times.

chicken shogayaki

We climbed into bed around 9 p.m. and chatted about our days a bit before cracking open our books. I didn’t make it more than 30 minutes into my book last night before my eyes were too heavy to keep reading.

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week!

The post A Tripod Workout on a Tuesday appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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