Wednesday, January 31, 2018

A Simplified Tuesday

Hey friends! We’re halfway through the week and I thought I’d pop in this morning and fill ya in on what another random mid-week day looked like around here yesterday. Let’s dive right in!

I was up before dawn as usual to get a jump start on some work and began my day with a hot mug of tea and bowl of egg white oatmeal topped with pumpkin seeds.

egg white oatmeal

I managed to work for almost two hours before Chase was awake and I shifted into mom mode. Chase and I said goodbye to Ryan as he headed off to work and then I set Chase up with some yogurt and berries for breakfast. I didn’t have plans to make it to the gym until 9 a.m., so we spent the rest of the morning playing around the house, reading and coloring. 

I met up with my friends Carrie and Lauren for a workout at Burn Boot Camp in the mid-morning and while Chase played in childcare, we went through an athletic conditioning chipper that was a serious sweat fest! (The workout was called a “chipper” because we chipped away at a large number of reps for some of the exercises before moving onto the next.)

Chipper Workout

To complete the workout, we paired off and while partner one worked on the designated number of reps in the first exercise in each pairing, the second partner chipped away at the larger number of reps associated with the second exercise. Once partner one’s reps were complete, we switched and partner one then began counting the number of reps where partner two left off in the second exercise. We rotated when all of the reps of the second exercise were complete. (This workout is admittedly confusing to explain, so if you’d like to try it and need any clarification, please let me know! And yes, I modified a few of the exercises.)

I love chippers because I feel like I’m accomplishing mini goals throughout the workout. It felt good to begin the day on an active note and after my time at BBC, I scooped Chase up for a Gymboree class! A little while ago we switched from a monthly membership to a 10-class punch card since we aren’t making it to Gymboree nearly as often these days but Chase still lights up every time we attend a class or meet up with friends for open play.

We followed up Gymboree playtime with a quick pit stop at Target to grab diapers to include in a baby shower gift for a shower I’ll be attending this weekend. Since we all know it’s impossible to leave Target with just one thing, I picked up a few more miscellaneous items, including an impulse buy I am already enjoying and I’m only one chapter in!

A Simplified Life Emily Ley

I picked up a copy of Emily Ley’s A Simplified Life after seeing so many people sharing images of the most incredible before and after organizational photos on their blogs and Instagram Stories. Every time I’d see a photo of an almost-bare closet or a beautifully organized pantry and bags of items to donate or throw away, I felt my desire to CLEAN ALL THE THINGS kick into high gear. (Side note: If you need a laugh and don’t get the “clean all the things” reference, please check out Hyperbole and a Half’s This is Why I’ll Never Be An Adult. It kills me!)

By the time Chase and I made it home, we were ready for lunch and after polishing off our sandwiches, I asked Chase if he wanted to help me cook. He ran over to his cooking stand and began pushing it toward our kitchen island… I’ll take that as a yes!

toddler cooking stand

We prepped everything we needed for last night’s zucchini lasagna dinner (it took FOR-EV-ER… I think there’s a reason this recipe didn’t note the prep time) and I realized about halfway through that I didn’t have enough zucchini to properly layer everything. Our lasagna looked like a bit of a hot mess when we cut into it but at least it tasted great! I mean it’s hard to go too wrong when lots of ricotta, parmesan and mozzarella cheese is involved.


After our lasagna prep activity and a few books, Chase miraculously settled in for a nap so I was able to hop on a conference call, get some work done on the computer and read the first chapter of A Simplified Life while snacking on a chocolate chip brownie Larabar (my all-time favorite flavor).


While our morning was rather eventful, our afternoon was pretty peaceful. We didn’t stray far from home and once Chase was up from his nap, he took an early bath (he woke up c-r-a-n-k-y and the bath seemed to help him chill out) and, inspired by A Simplified Life,  I cleaned out two drawers in our master bathroom.

Here’s a before/after of my hair tools drawer:

simplified life drawers

(I kept those nasty-looking clip-in extensions for the sheer purpose of using them in a wedding I’m in this coming May because my hair is almost always too fine for the up-dos I fall in love with on Pinterest!)

And here is a before/after of my hair accessories drawer which also includes some random hair products/deodorant/toner that I use regularly:

simplified life drawers1

Yes, I’m starting small with my deep clean/donate/throw away crap we don’t need ambitions, but even the little bit of progress I made yesterday felt GOOD.

Once Ryan was home from work, we dove into our veggie lasagna for dinner and I cleaned out a cabinet in the kitchen before it was time to settle Chase in for the night.

A Simplified Life Cabinets

And that’s all for our Tuesday!

This morning, I am meeting with Chase’s preschool teacher for our first parent/teacher conference (all of 15 minutes and I cannot wait) and then we’re heading off to my 20-week prenatal appointment followed by an afternoon play date with some of my girlfriends. I’m looking forward to today but for the past few days my anxiety is up again (it always kicks into high gear when a prenatal appointment is on the calendar) but I am praying and believing all will be well.

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!!

The post A Simplified Tuesday appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

Via Health & Wellness

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